Providing efficient and aggressive representation for every client, in every case

Getting Assistance Executing Judgements

Many firms can obtain a judgment on behalf of their clients, but the ability to successfully execute on that judgment sets us apart. Our judgment execution team consists of attorneys, paralegals, investigators and administrative personnel who work collaboratively to increase recoveries for our clients. We efficiently execute on the high volume of judgments that our firm has obtained. Our litigation files pass seamlessly from our litigation team to our execution team where we keep the pressure on judgment debtors to maximize our recoveries.

Our Unique Brand Of Representation

Our team is professional, yet assertive and resourceful with respect to post-judgment litigation and proceedings. We employ a comprehensive strategy that includes:

  • Negotiating post-judgment stipulated payment arrangements
  • Obtaining specific and pointed discovery
  • Bank and wage garnishments
  • Real and personal property executions
  • Contempt proceedings

After obtaining a judgment, we employ a “boots on the ground” strategy that explores all avenues for execution in every case. As a boutique firm, we are able to devote more individual attention to every case. Our clients keep coming back to us because we execute when it really matters and are able to ensure the best possible recovery on every file.

Get The Outcome You Deserve

Executing a judge’s decision is not always as easy as it should be. When you are not getting the outcome a judge ordered, you have the right to enforce it. Let our experienced and driven team help you by contacting us today. Call 303-830-6900 or email us here to take the first step in executing your judgment.